Episode 45: Building a Life Meant for You


With it being our launch week for Purposeful Business, we thought it was the perfect time to record an episode talking about building a life that’s made for YOU. Part of the reason that all 3 of us were interested in entrepreneurship in the first place was this idea that we can have more freedom, and that we could each live in alignment with what we know that our purposes are. Today, we’re going to talk about what living in alignment with our purpose actually means to us, and what it looks like in our daily lives.

We want you to have the tough conversation with yourself so that you can gain clarity too, and we’ll be here when you want to take the leap, especially if that means building something of your own. 

If you know that you want to take the leap, today, April 19th, 2022, is the last day that you can get the $200 off early bird pricing for Purposeful Business! This makes the investment just under $1,000, at $997. The doors to our program will be closing on Thursday, April 21st, so if now feels like the right time for you, go to  

https://purposefulbusinesscourse.com/ to join the April cohort of Purposeful Business. We only launch this program a couple of times a year, and we would love to see you inside of this launch!


Episode 46: Behind the Scenes (BTS) - Learning From a Launch


Episode 44: Things to Unlearn as an Entrepreneur