Episode 25: Decluttering Your Workspace and Pursuing Your Purpose with Cassie from The Caffeinated Clean


Cassie from The Caffeinated Clean joins today with some decluttering inspiration. A messy workspace can mean a messy mind as we feel flustered and overwhelmed while we work. Finding ways to organize will not only make the space look beautiful but will make everything you do more efficient as functional meets feng shui!

Cassie is a great example of how she used her unique gifts and passion to create a business. She gets real on imposter syndrome and where it can hold many people back, especially at the start. But your big ideas matter and deserve to be in the world!

In stories today we’ll be sharing some before and afters of our mini office makeover. Take these tips if you need to feel more settled in your workspace as well!


Episode 26: How to Handle Feedback (Hint: Make Sure to Stay True to Your Brand Values)


Episode 24: Having Hard Conversations with Lynne Hurdle Price