Episode 96: Diversifying Your Revenue Streams - Is It Time?


This week we (Abby and Amy) are talking all about our other business we have together - the HERself podcast. This business is a podcast-based business that we have been pursuing for over four years now. In today’s conversation we share all the details about every stream of income we have for that business.

We talk numbers around ads and how many consistent, weekly downloads you must have in order to make money off of ads. We share how affiliate marketing has now become our number one source of income for the HERself podcast. We dive into Patreon; what it is, how we had to explain it to our audience, and how we’ve tweaked our account over time. 

As huge advocates for helping women find time for themselves, we even share details on how THIS business, Pursuing HER Purpose, helped us create a self-care course for the HERself podcast community. After listening to this episode, you’ll be able to figure out what might be the next best stream of revenue for your business!

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Episode 97: From Our Students to You: How Purposeful Course Worked for Their Business


Episode 95: Why You ARE the Expert