Episode 5: The Reasons You Haven’t Hired


Our businesses aren’t just about us. It’s about a vision that you have for your family, your clients or customers, and even how you might be impacting the world at large. If you allow yourself to dream like us, then you know that eventually you can’t do it alone. 

There is a big misconception with personal brands, especially in the digital space. People think that they do it alone because they are the face of the business. We guarantee that any big name you follow and look up to has people behind the scenes who are supporting them-- whether it’s a bookkeeper, social media manager, assistant, or COO. The magic you see in these brands was built with a shared vision. 

If you’ve considered hiring in your business but haven’t yet, tune into this episode to learn the real reasons why you’re stalling on this huge growth opportunity. If you’re in this position where you feel hesitant to hire- know that SO many of us have been there. 

You’ll leave this episode with a ton of tangible tips and mindset reframes so that you can get the support you need as you scale your business and chase your dreams.

Meghan Lambert

Meghan Lambert is an identity and web designer living and working in Southern Maine.


Episode 6: Why Taking Care of Yourself Is Taking Care of Your Business


Episode 4: Eve Rodsky on Toxic Time Messages That Keep You From Pursuing Your Purpose