Episode 30: Kat’s Origin Story: From Unemployed to CEO


In today’s vulnerable and raw episode, Amy interviews Kat on her journey from going from a dietitian to becoming the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of an 8-figure online business to starting her own businesses. 

We knew it was time to really pull back the curtain and tell you exactly how Kat got to where she is today. In this real and honest conversation, Kat shares parts of her journey that were incredibly difficult and made her question everything. She shares about her dark night of the soul that led her to this exact moment in time. 

This episode is dedicated to anyone who is feeling lost, hurt, or confused in their career, and knows that there is something else out there for them even if they don’t know what that is yet.


Episode 31: Abby’s Origin Story: How I Started a Top Podcast and Profitable Business While Working a Full-Time Job


Episode 29: Diversity and Inclusion in Your Business from Day One with Beth Ruffin