Episode 56: The Power of Asking for What You Want with Jacqueline Hawk


It’s Kat here, and today I’m so excited to introduce you to my new friend, Jacqueline Hawk. Jacqueline is a certified coach, corporate veteran and a mother, and in this episode, she helps with a simple (yet powerful!) thing, which is how to ask for what you actually want. 

This is a skill that can help with the gender pay gap, The Great Resignation, and with your mental health. Today, Jacqueline reveals how you can use her “Power of the Ask” 4-step system in real life scenarios, and it will not only help you ask for what you want, but you will feel deserving of it, which is so key. 

Jacqueline’s My Daily Powerful Ask Journal includes 40 days of journal prompts so women can start asking for what they want DAILY instead of just waiting for it. This journal helps women create a new habit through repetition, and it’s available here!

We’d love to hear about your experiences in using this information to ask for what you want, and be sure to share it with us on Instagram, @poweroftheask and @pursuingherpurpose!


Episode 57: The Episode on Burnout


Episode 55: Behind the Scenes (BTS) - How We Launched Our Second Course