Episode 54: Purposeful Podcast: How to Connect with Your Community


Today we’re continuing our look at podcasting and talking about the passion and purpose behind it. We want to shine a light on the purpose we each feel when we’re creating our podcasts, and hopefully this episode will serve as inspiration for you and a nudge in the right direction if you’re sitting on a dream of your own. We’re sure that some of the questions we asked ourselves are ones that you are asking yourself right now too! 

If you are feeling the same tugs and voids in your life that we talk about in this episode, and a podcast is something you feel you are being called to try, then we encourage you to take our lead and take that leap! Our new course, Purposeful Podcast opens today, June 21st, if you’re listening to this episode the day it goes live. It’s only open for a very short time though, as we close our doors on Thursday, June 23rd. If you are interested in giving podcasting a try, this is your opportunity! We’ll cut through all the confusion and show you exactly how between the 3 of us we’ve launched 4 successful podcasts. Come share your voice and support your future community in a way that only you can. Head on over to http://purposefulpodcastcourse.com/ today and join us to lock in the lowest price that we will ever have for this program! Don’t forget, the first 50 people who join will get a physical workbook mailed directly to them. We can’t wait to see you inside and see your passion-filled podcast get out to the world! 

Lastly, if you’re finding our content and the work we do here at Pursuing HER Purpose helpful and meaningful to you, it would mean so much to us as a small business if you could leave a review on Apple Podcasts!


Episode 55: Behind the Scenes (BTS) - How We Launched Our Second Course


Episode 53: Would a Podcast Work for Your Business?