Episode 53: Would a Podcast Work for Your Business?


Podcasting has really taken off in the past couple of years, and this may leave you wondering if you should start a podcast and if having one could work for your business. As you probably know by now, at Pursuing HER Purpose we love podcasts, and today we want to answer these questions for you! 

In this episode you’ll hear what is happening in the podcast industry, particularly with female listenership, why all three of us love podcasting so much, and the different ways to monetize a podcast (even with a newer podcast in a narrow niche). We share our experiences in launching and running multiple podcasts now, and how podcasting can position you as an authority in your field of expertise and lead to tremendous opportunities, as it has for Amy! 

If you have a podcast on your heart and a message you just know the world needs to hear, we would love to have you in the first group of our Purposeful Podcast Course. This course will walk you through exactly how to make and launch a podcast, and you’ll have the opportunity to join very soon, on June 21st! For the first 50 people that join, we’re going to send you a physical workbook with your order, as we have done with our Purposeful Business students, and this will expand on what you learn inside the course. Our Purposeful Business students will have first dibs to join, and then we are going to open spots to our waitlist that you can sign up for at https://view.flodesk.com/pages/6261bd1546c9ddac82188a5f!


Episode 54: Purposeful Podcast: How to Connect with Your Community


Episode 52: Five Strategies to Make Content Creation Easier